Sustainable House Design Ideas Sustainable House Design Ideas
Sustainable House Design Ideas Sustainable House Design Ideas Sustainable House Design Ideas
Sustainable House Design Ideas

Sustainable Home Remodeling

Very often, from a green perspective, it is better to remodel an existing home rather than build a new one. It is, in effect, recycling at a very large scale.

Sustainable home remodeling should start with an analysis of the existing house, with special attention to its energy efficiency. Then move on to a careful study of spatial requirements and how the home currently fails to accomodate them. Study the surrounding site, identifying areas that should remain protected and areas that can be built over and possibly improved.

Only after doing the above does it make sense to pursue the main design task of creating a plan for adding onto the home.

Craftsman Remodel
Danville Addition
Moraga Remodel
Milpitas Remodel

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